DIY: Pulsní výstup u mechanického elektroměru.

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DIY: Pulsní výstup u mechanického elektroměru.

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Thank you for your instructable. My electricity meter readout system works pretty good now.

List of used parts:
+ IR reflection light sensor MRL601
+ transistor 2N2222
+ breadboard, some resistors, LED, clamps, wires, ...
+ mini WLAN router T-Link TL-MR3020
+ USB hub with integrated micro SD card reader
+ micro SD memory card

The CNY70 light sensor couldn't recognise the red mark on the wheel. Although expensive the MRL601 sensor does this very well if it is mounted in a certain angle. I copied the OpenWrt installation to the SD card (extroot) to have more available memory. My code is written in python. I dropped the debounce check which seems not to be necessary here. RRDtool rocks!
Zdroj: první příspěvek v diskuzi pod článkem na webu


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